Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Hansen Family

As many of you know, and as was announced today in church, the Hansen family is going through a very trying time.  Their 4 year old son, Atticus, has a brain tumor.  The Hansen family would like to express their appreciation for all the thoughts, prayers, and service that has already been extended.  The Bishop has asked that we continue to pray for them, and understandably everyone is anxious to receive any developments.  As it can be a somewhat of a challenge to update everyone individually, the Relief Society has decided to ease that burden by providing updates here on the RS blog.  
Cindy recently wrote the following: Atticus has a Pontine Glioma. It is in his brain stem and un-operable. He started Decodron (steroid) yesterday and has it every six hours. He will have surgery Monday morning to insert a Port. They are wanting to start Radiation Wednesday; and will have it Monday-Friday for 4-6 weeks. He will be sedated each time since he is so little. The duration of the steroids is unknown but at least three wee ks. He is on a high dose now and is experiencing a bit of "roid rage" and a bit hyper. He will have one series of Chemotherapy and then we wait and watch. It won't go away but they are hoping to reduce it's size and stop it from growing. But, the prognosis is not good. We are praying for a miracle if thats what Heavenly Father wants. It has been a very trying and emotional couple of days.  Atticus has been AMAZING. He has been so patient and good. Doing everything the Doctors ask him to. He sits so still and patiently while inserting IV's and meds. He is amazing to us. He is truly such a special, special boy.
The family has asked that we pray the surgery goes well tomorrow, and in light of the surgery has asked for a quiet day with no visitors (although they very much appreciate the outpouring of support so far).  The family has also asked that we pray Atticus can regain his coordination, as this has been particularly frustrating for him.  
Again, thank you for all your prayers and love in support of this sweet family.  Many of you have already expressed a willingness to serve, and we will keep everyone updated as things develop and opportunities present themselves. 

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