Monday, January 16, 2012


He had surgery to put a port in this morning, and all went well.  He's doing well, just really tired.  They are staying one more night in the hospital just to be on the safe side, but should be released tomorrow morning. They meet with oncologist Thursday to do prep work for the radiation, and then they'll start therapy on Monday.  The next few days, they hope to get settled back at home.  As far as visitors go, they will be getting some instructions from the doctors on who can visit.  There will be some restrictions since he will have weakened immune system, so his family will let us know when they find out more details.  Eric's mom, Becky, really wanted to emphasize how eternally grateful she is for all the prayers, the service, and love and support that everyone is showing their sweet grandson, son, and daugher-in-law.  

Cindy has also posted an update today on her blog found here

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