General Conference Activity Ideas for Kids

I found some ideas for helping children (all ages) during General Conference that I thought I might pass along.........

Conference Coloring Booklet

Conference Packet (coloring and other cool stuff) (there is a Spanish version of this packet at the same site...just read through the first paragraph and it will tell you where to click.)

Conference Reverence Tents 

Conference Bingo for Kids!

General Conference Notebook (I think the Church put this one out)

Conference Squares

Conference Packet for younger children

Conference Notebook for youth
Visiting Teaching Idea for General Conference:
"A few Conferences ago I started a little tradition of doing something fun for the families of the women I visit teach to help them enjoy Conference weekend. The first time I made sticky buns for all of them and dropped them off the night before so they could bake them fresh in the morning. Last time I made the baskets pictured above for their kids. They included an activity booklet for each child, pencils and crayons, and some apples and toffee apple dip. This weekend I plan on delivering "Overnight French Toast" with strawberries and whip cream to them on Saturday night. They can put it in their fridge and bake it Sunday morning to enjoy!!!"

1 (8oz) cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 (8oz) bag Heath toffee bits
Mix all ingredients together and serve with sliced apples or refrigerate till ready to serve. Makes about 3 cups.
10 ideas for a meaningful conference for children

It's time to gather as church members for the special weekend that is general conference. This can be such an uplifting weekend, but once you put children in the mix, it can be a bit tricky. Here are some ways to make it a more positive experience for the entire family.
1. Talk about it before it happens. At the dinner table, review the Mormon general authorities. Show pictures of the apostles, President Monson and his counselors, so when the children see those faces on the screen they will recognize them.

2. Provide context. In this week leading up to conference, tell some of the favorite conference stories from the past. Tell your kids that President Uchtdorf was once a pilot, Elder Nelson was a heart surgeon. President Packer paints and makes wood carvings. Sister Dalton recently ran a marathon. This will make these wonderful men and women seem more personable when the children hear them speak.

3. Make a special treat or snack. If you will be attending an conference at a building, eat the snack in between sessions. If you're watching from home, set up a small snack table. Have the kids help prepare special conference treats. Maybe it is sliced fruit, pretzels dipped in chocolate, conference cookies or conference cake.

4. Keep the action near the conference. Most church buildings have a room set aside for families with children. Bring along coloring books, building blocks or other practical toys to keep the kids occupied. At home, bring the games, activities or toys out near the television or computer so that even while your kids are playing they still can tune in to what is going on. When my children were very young, I bought them each an inexpensive little toy, something new to get them excited while they listened to conference.

5. Have them listen to the prophet. Even if your kids hear nothing else, try and have them sit quiet and attentive for President Monson's address on Sunday morning. Try to teach them at a young age to have reverence for when the prophet is speaking.

6. Allow for wiggle time. Because conference is so much sitting, before or after the sessions (especially on Saturday), plan an outing to the park, run laps around the school track or hike through the woods. On Sunday, go on a walk around the block. This will help burn off some of that energy so when it's time to sit, the kids are more prepared.

7. Look online for resources ahead of time. For older children, print off a conference packet for them to color and follow through the conference. (Do a web search under "General Conference Packet 2010" and you can find several links.) For younger children, make memory cards with the apostles, or BINGO cards.

8. Talk about it afterward. Don't let conference end the minute you flip off the TV, shut the computer or leave the church. Discuss the talks over dinner. Retell favorite stories. As a family, make goals based on the counsel received from conference.

9. Make the music central. Have everyone gather and stand for the hymns. Kids have a remarkable memory and affinity for feeling the spirit through music. When the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings, don't use that as a time for everyone to wander off. Turn up the volume and allow your children to feel the power of those voices raised in song. When it's time for the congregation to join in, set the example by singing, and encourage your children to sing as well.

10. In the end, keep the expectations low. With small children, you may not hear much of conference. Asking them to play quietly for eight hours can be a bit much. So go into it prepared, but knowing that if you don't quite catch the spirit of the conference this time around, there are others working to archive, edit, transcribe and record these messages so in the dark of the night, or the quiet of the early morning, you can once again glean what you need from these inspired messages.
Mormon Times
Author: Tiffany Gee Lewis
29 September 2009

Fun Conference Snack Idea
(this idea is good for Primary but it can also be customized for home)

Conference Treat. We created a special conference trail mix snack that we gave to each of the children. We had small cups of the snack available for them to eat during the activity and we also sent them home with a sandwich bag filled with the mix and the following poem that I created:

Conference Trail Mix Poem
General Conference is upon us; yes the time is drawing near
To listen to the prophets and apostles we hold dear
The lessons taught and stories shared will truly be a treat
But we know you’ll each enjoy a little something fun to eat.
So as you sit and ponder the great lessons you are told,
Think too about the meaning of each conference snack you hold.

The BUGLES in your bag are more than just a crunchy chip
They represent Moroni’s Horn, pressed firmly to his lips.
Standing tall atop our temples, he symbolically proclaims
The spreading of the gospel and our sacred Savior’s name.
You’ll find little candy circles with the letters “M&M”
A perfect, sweet reminder of the goals that you should plan
The first M stands for Missions (boys you know just what to do)
The second is for Marriage - eternal joy for all of you!

Look close and you might see some GOLDFISH swimming in your snack
Reminding that we’re “…fishers of men”, helping others back
To the straight and narrow path, where the RAISINS you will see
Representing the sweet fruit upon the everlasting Tree.
And if, by chance, you falter grab a SEED and plant it firm
Watch it grow and feel your faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord, confirmed
Pick a PRETZEL from the pack and twist your arms into its form
Till they’re folded in a humble prayer that gets you through the storm.
Lastly, in your bag you’ll find a treat that’s white and pure
It’s soft and sweet much like the Holy Ghost that whispers sure
These MARSHMALLOWS remind us to be reverent and be still
So we can hear calm promptings and our Heavenly Father’s will.

So as you eat this conference treat, partake of something more
Listen to the Prophet’s words and remember who you are
For this snack, though quite delicious, will too quickly disappear,
But if you FEAST UPON THE WORDS OF CHRIST, you’ll keep Him ever near.

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