Thursday, November 8, 2012

November Announcements

Empty Nesters--Nov. 6th
Senior Sisters Lunch--Nov. 27th
RS Christmas Party--Nov 27th 7pm @ Bishops home.  We will once again be doing our chocolate party and gift exchange.  Start thinking of a gift or service you'd like to give.  Bring chocolate goodies to share!
Ward Christmas Party--Dec. 8th 6pm @ Church

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June announcements...

I want to apologize for not updating this blog in forever...I will try to do better:)

June 5th-Book club--"Big Appetite: My Southern-Fried Search for the Meaning of Life". 7pm.  Please bring a snack to share.  No book club in July.

June 11th--Empty Nesters FHE

June 12th--Ward Temple Night--7:30pm session

June 17th--Father's Day

June 19th--RS Activity--POOL Party at Jennifer Foote's home 7pm.  Please bring a snack to share and come ready to swim or visit...or both!

June 26th--Senior Sisters Lunch--noon at the church: Please contact Marsha Asay for more information.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March announcements

Book Club--March 6th--"Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand--7pm @ Dorothy Fluckiger's home

Empty Nesters FHE--March 12th--7pm @ Marsha Asay's home--please bring a snack to share

Relief Society Celebration--March 20th--7pm @ Church--yearly birthday celebration with games, prizes, salad and rolls to eat.  If you'd like, please sign up to make a birthday you are special today plate--cost about $6.50.

Ward Temple Night--Tuesday March 13th--7:30pm session

Upcoming...April 13th--7pm--Ward Talent Show

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Hansen Family

I am sorry for not updating lately.  I always mean too, but never feel like I can do justice to Cindy's posts on her blog.  Please refer to her blog for more frequent updates:)

Atticus has been doing really well.  He is getting his spunk back (Cindy's words). He is adjusting to the treatments, wakes up easily from sedation, and is up and ready to go.  He is up and moving more, having more energy, and is able to do some of the things he loves--like ride a bike, kick a soccer ball, etc.  He has gained quite a bit of weight from the steriods, which makes it more difficult to get around, but he is adjusting and doing amazing.  He is a little over halfway down with his radiation treatments. 

Please continue to keep Atticus and his family in your prayers.  They are an amazing family with tremendous faith, but are going through an extremely hard trial. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

RS Announcements

Book Club February 7th; "Moon over Manifest" by Clare Vanderpool.  March is "Unbroken"

Cannery: Saturday, Feb 11th @ 9am; We need at least 6 people.  If you cannot make it and would like to order, please refer to the link below, contact Loyda Arrington with your order and payment.
Loyda also has a food storage planner software if you are interested in purchasing that.  It helps you plan for any time period, helps calculate how much you need, has recipes, can keep track of what food storage you already have and helps you rotate it, etc.

Empty Nesters FHE Feb.13th @ 7p; Contact Lynn Aanerud for details.

RS Activity: Tuesday, February 21st @ 7pm.  Kevin Hinckley, a BYU education speaker, with be talking on relationships.  Husbands are invited to attend.  There will be a nursery--Please RSVP for nursery to Meagan at 

Friday, February 3, 2012


Please join our ward in a special fast for Atticus and his family this Sunday, February 5th.

Atticus has completed another week of treatments.  This week has gone more smoothly than the last.  He is waking up easier from sedation.  He is also starting to walk a little better and use the right side of his mouth easier.  The steroids cause him to be super hungry and also put his moods all over the place.  He's been tired this week, but still says the wittiest things.  They are looking forward to a weekend without treatments, especially eating breakfast at a normal time (he normally can't eat until after radiation at around 11am, so it makes for some very cranky mornings).  He has already requested french toast and sausage and told Cindy he'll get back to her when he decides on what else:)

Please refer to their blog for more detailed updates.  They are truly an amazing family and have so much faith in Heavenly Father.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ward Fast for Atticus on Sunday

Please join our ward in a special fast for Atticus and his family this Sunday, February 5th. 

Atticus has completed five treatments of radiation.  He has also started his chemotherapy which is
Temodar, which Eric and Cindy give him each evening.  Atticus has many up and down moments each day.  Luckily, they were blessed to have some good moments this past weekend--he enjoyed a visit from his preschool teacher and a quiet Saturday as a family. 

He had lab work done on Friday after radiation...from Cindy's blog: "His lab work came back good. White blood count was high, but that's due to the high amounts of steroids he's on. His "counts" shouldn't be effected for another few days to a week. That's when we'll have to really start being careful on where we go, what we do, who he's around, etc.

Last week, a friend of a friend, took family pictures of the Hansens.  Here is a precious one of Atticus with his amazing mom and dad...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Atticus had his first radiation treatment today.  It went well.  He will have treatments Monday-Friday for the next six weeks. Tomorrow he will also start chemotherapy.  Atticus is having a really rough time.  His tummy is bothering him.  He's uncomfortable and in pain.  He can't really see out of one of his eye and is getting really frustrated with that.  He is hardly sleeping and so exhausted.

From Cindy's blog: "Please pray for us, but especially Atticus, to start sleeping. His poor little body is really struggling with the steroids. I'm so worried that without good sleep his radiation and chemo will not go as well. His body needs a break."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Update on Atticus

I have taken the following from Cindy's blog:
THURSDAY 19th: We had our first appointment with Dr. Munoz (Radiologist).
So this is how the radiation will work for our appointments...
Vitals, access port and administer a sleepy med, I'll carry him to the Radiation room where the Anesthesiologist will administer the actual sedative. I go to our room and wait. Everything is computerized. The computer uses a 3-dimensional picture of the tumor and shapes the radiation beams to fit the tumor. This allows a high dose of radiation to reach the tumor and causing less damage to normal tissue in and around the tumor. It is painless and just like having an x-ray done.

Once finished they bring him back to our room and we help him wake up. This particular appointment took 3 hours but it will normally take an hour to an hour and a half. The percentage rate of him becoming symptom free is really high. The amount of time it will last is unknown.
He gets his first treatment Tuesday January 24th. Our appointment time is 9:30am Monday - Friday for six weeks. He gets 30 treatments.
Eric and I were taught how to administer the Chemo. It's no joke. His chemo is Temodar. Its taken every day at the same time. We have to wear gloves, a mask, and goggles. The work surface needs be covered with an impermeable and disposable mat... place apple sauce in disposable container, put on gloves, mask and goggles, open each capsule (3 for him) and place powder in medicine cup. Add to apple sauce. Anything that comes in to contact with the medicine must be disposable. Once medicine is taken throw away in the biohazard bag: medicine cup, container med was mixed in, work surface cover, gloves, mask... He will take it every day for 42 days then does cycles. 28 days OFF 5 days ON. Ten times. 
Again, thank you! Thank you for commenting, for texting, for leaving messages. You will never know how much it strengthens me. Im sorry I don't always text back or call back. Its just too painful and exhausting. Please know, I ALWAYS read the messages and ALWAYS listen to the voice messages and it helps carry me throughout the day.

We are lucky. Lucky to have Atticus. Lucky to have each other.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Update from around 2:30 this afternoon from Cindy's sister:
Atti is home.  He loved his new room (they moved him downstairs).  He is napping.  The next two weeks are going to be full of adjusting to a lot of new things.  As always, Cindy, Eric, and Atti are all amazing.

Monday, January 16, 2012


He had surgery to put a port in this morning, and all went well.  He's doing well, just really tired.  They are staying one more night in the hospital just to be on the safe side, but should be released tomorrow morning. They meet with oncologist Thursday to do prep work for the radiation, and then they'll start therapy on Monday.  The next few days, they hope to get settled back at home.  As far as visitors go, they will be getting some instructions from the doctors on who can visit.  There will be some restrictions since he will have weakened immune system, so his family will let us know when they find out more details.  Eric's mom, Becky, really wanted to emphasize how eternally grateful she is for all the prayers, the service, and love and support that everyone is showing their sweet grandson, son, and daugher-in-law.  

Cindy has also posted an update today on her blog found here

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Hansen Family

As many of you know, and as was announced today in church, the Hansen family is going through a very trying time.  Their 4 year old son, Atticus, has a brain tumor.  The Hansen family would like to express their appreciation for all the thoughts, prayers, and service that has already been extended.  The Bishop has asked that we continue to pray for them, and understandably everyone is anxious to receive any developments.  As it can be a somewhat of a challenge to update everyone individually, the Relief Society has decided to ease that burden by providing updates here on the RS blog.  
Cindy recently wrote the following: Atticus has a Pontine Glioma. It is in his brain stem and un-operable. He started Decodron (steroid) yesterday and has it every six hours. He will have surgery Monday morning to insert a Port. They are wanting to start Radiation Wednesday; and will have it Monday-Friday for 4-6 weeks. He will be sedated each time since he is so little. The duration of the steroids is unknown but at least three wee ks. He is on a high dose now and is experiencing a bit of "roid rage" and a bit hyper. He will have one series of Chemotherapy and then we wait and watch. It won't go away but they are hoping to reduce it's size and stop it from growing. But, the prognosis is not good. We are praying for a miracle if thats what Heavenly Father wants. It has been a very trying and emotional couple of days.  Atticus has been AMAZING. He has been so patient and good. Doing everything the Doctors ask him to. He sits so still and patiently while inserting IV's and meds. He is amazing to us. He is truly such a special, special boy.
The family has asked that we pray the surgery goes well tomorrow, and in light of the surgery has asked for a quiet day with no visitors (although they very much appreciate the outpouring of support so far).  The family has also asked that we pray Atticus can regain his coordination, as this has been particularly frustrating for him.  
Again, thank you for all your prayers and love in support of this sweet family.  Many of you have already expressed a willingness to serve, and we will keep everyone updated as things develop and opportunities present themselves. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January Announcements

Jan 9th -- Empty Nesters FHE: Contact Lynn Aanerud for details @ 7pm.  Please bring a snack to share.

Jan 17th -- RS Activity with D5: Internet Safety presentation by the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center; 7pm @ the Church.  Refreshments will be served and nursery provided but you must RSVP for how many children will be coming so we can get enough help.  Please RSVP to by Jan 15th.

Service -- We are still in need of quilt batting and material for quilt backings.  If you can donate these item or so time to tie quilts please contact Heather Freebairn.

Book Club -- No book club in January, but the next one is February 7th, Location TBA; Reading "Moon over Manifest" by Clare Vanderpool.  March will be "Unbroken."

Lesson Schedule
15th--Chapter 2-"Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself"
22nd--Stand in Holy Places--President Thomas S. Monson