Germany by Jene' H
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Worldwide Sisterhood Part II
Here are a few pictures from our Sisters Around the World dinner! (Thank you to Kate A for sharing.)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Worldwide Sisterhood
The word "sister" is defined as a girl or woman who shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, specifically:
a. A kinswoman.
b. A woman fellow member, as of a sorority.
c. A fellow woman.
d. A close woman friend or companion.
It also includes sistership - sisterhood: an association or society of women who are linked together by a common religion or trade or interest.
According to this definition, we are truly sisters. We have forged these bonds of a ward family and are therefore, as the word's origin would suggest, each other’s “own.” May we truly seek the Lord’s help and guidance to be in tune with who among our sisters might be in need. When we do that, we put ourselves in a place to help them gain comfort and reassurance (as Elder Quentin’s son did from his mother*) & bless their lives with the Lord’s help. We don’t have to have be their visiting teacher, just their friend.
As promised, here is the referenced video taken from, that reminds us of the impressive & divine mission of the Relief Society, of which we are all an important part. We hope you can feel, if even to a small degree, how essential each one of you are to this mission!
Thank you, THANK YOU to the many sisters who contributed to making our "Sisters Around the World" dinner such a success! And to those who were unable to attend, you were missed!
(*FYI, If you are unable to view the video here on the blog, then click here to view it at Also, click here to see the article mentioned in our message tonight from Elder Quentin L. Cook)
a. A kinswoman.
b. A woman fellow member, as of a sorority.
c. A fellow woman.
d. A close woman friend or companion.
It also includes sistership - sisterhood: an association or society of women who are linked together by a common religion or trade or interest.
According to this definition, we are truly sisters. We have forged these bonds of a ward family and are therefore, as the word's origin would suggest, each other’s “own.” May we truly seek the Lord’s help and guidance to be in tune with who among our sisters might be in need. When we do that, we put ourselves in a place to help them gain comfort and reassurance (as Elder Quentin’s son did from his mother*) & bless their lives with the Lord’s help. We don’t have to have be their visiting teacher, just their friend.
As promised, here is the referenced video taken from, that reminds us of the impressive & divine mission of the Relief Society, of which we are all an important part. We hope you can feel, if even to a small degree, how essential each one of you are to this mission!
Thank you, THANK YOU to the many sisters who contributed to making our "Sisters Around the World" dinner such a success! And to those who were unable to attend, you were missed!
(*FYI, If you are unable to view the video here on the blog, then click here to view it at Also, click here to see the article mentioned in our message tonight from Elder Quentin L. Cook)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Recipes from Gardening 101 Activity/Recetas de la Actividad de Jardineria
Much thanks to Dorothy for sharing such fun & healthy recipes with us. Here they are for you to try.../Muchas gracias a Dorothy por compartir recetas tan divertidas y saludables. Aqui estan para que las puede probar....

Combine a handful of spinach, a cup of orange juice and a quarter of fresh pineapple in blender and blend until smooth.
"Dirt" Cups/Tazas de Tierra
Chocolate pudding on the bottom layer with crushed Oreos on top. Add a gummy worm to garnish!
Pudín de chocolate por abajo, otra capa de galletas de chocolate (tipo Oreo) por arriba. ¡Añade un dulce de gusano gomoso!
Pudín de chocolate por abajo, otra capa de galletas de chocolate (tipo Oreo) por arriba. ¡Añade un dulce de gusano gomoso!

Sweet Potatoes – diced and baked/Papas dulces--cortadas en dados y horneados
Peel sweet potato
Dice into dollar size pieces
Place on cookie sheet with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Bake 10 minutes on each side at 375 degrees.
Pelar la papa dulce
Cortela en pedazos de tamaño de monedas
Coloquelas en la olla de hornear galletas con un poco de aceite de olivo, sal y pimiento. Hornea 10 minutos cada lado en las 375.

ROASTED CORN & BLACK BEAN SALAD/Ensalada de maíz asado y frijoles negros
Roasted Corn/Maíz Asado
• 1 (1 pound) pkg. frozen extra sweet whole kernel corn, thawed/un paquete congelado de maíz entero extra dulce, descongelado
• 2 to 3 T. oil/2 o 3 cucharadas grandes de aceite
Dressing/Salsa de ensalada
• 1 T. kosher or salt/1 cucharada grande de sal
• ¾ tsp. cumin/¾ cucharadita de comino
• 6 T. fresh lime juice/6 cucharadas grandes de jugo de limon fresco
• 5 T. oil/5 cucharadas grandes de aceite
• 2 T. cider vinegar/2 cucharadas grandes de vinagre de sidra
1 c. chopped fresh cilantro/1 taza de cilantro fresca, cortado
½ c. chopped red onion/½ taza de cebolla cortado
3 Italian plum tomatoes/3 tomates italianos
2 jalapeño chilies, seeded and chopped/2 jalapeños
1 red bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)/1 taza de capsicum rojo, cortado
1 tsp. minced garlic/1 cucharadita de ajo molida
2 (15 oz.) cans of black beans, drained and rinsed/2 latas (de 15 onzas) de frijoles negros, sin agua y enjugados
2 large avocados, cut into 1 inch pieces/2 avacados grandes, cortados en pedazos de una pulgada
2 large avocados, cut into 1 inch pieces/2 avacados grandes, cortados en pedazos de una pulgada
1 or 2 Mangoes/1 o 2 mangos
• red leaf lettuce/lechuga roja
• fresh cilantro sprigs/ramitas de cilantro fresca
Heat oven to 450°. In medium bowl, combine corn and 2-3 T. oil; toss to coat. Spread corn in ungreased 10-by-15 inch baking pan. Bake 18-22 minutes or until corn begins to turn light golden brown, stirring every 5 to 10 minutes. Cool 10 minutes.
Caliente el horno a 450°. En un plato hondo mediano, mezcla el maíz y 2 o 3 cucharadas de aceite; cubre completemente. Ponga el maíz en un olla de hornear galletas por 18 hasta 22 minutos, hasta que el maíz empieza a cambiar a color cafe mediano. Hay que mezclar cada 5-10 minutos. Deja que enfrie un poco por 10 minutos.
Caliente el horno a 450°. En un plato hondo mediano, mezcla el maíz y 2 o 3 cucharadas de aceite; cubre completemente. Ponga el maíz en un olla de hornear galletas por 18 hasta 22 minutos, hasta que el maíz empieza a cambiar a color cafe mediano. Hay que mezclar cada 5-10 minutos. Deja que enfrie un poco por 10 minutos.
(from Kayla N)
Steam the the chopped asparagus until it is nice and bendy then immediately put it in a bowl of ice water. This will keep the freshness in and keep it a little firm and not go mushy.
Cocinar al vapor los espárragos hasta que sea flexible y inmediatamente echalos en un plato hondo de agua con hielo. El hacer esto, guardelos frescos y firmes (no suaves).
2-3 cups cherry tomato's. I cut them into 4's./2 o 3 tazas de tomates de cireza. Los corto en el cuarto parte.
15 small balls or one large ball fresh mozzarella or boccaini balls and chopped them up into nice chunk's./15 pelotitas o una pelota grande de queso de mozzarella, cortados en trozos.
1 Bunch of asparagus/1 racimo de espárragos
3 sprigs fresh basil--chopped up/3 ramitas de albahaca fresca
2 tablespoons olive oil/2 cucharadas de aceite de olivo
1/4 cup red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar/1/4 taza de vinagre de vino rojo o vinagre balsámico
But the mix can be to your taste. I love balsamic vinegar, so I added a little more of that. Just mix it up and then chill.......or eat right then. Yum!
La Mezcla puede ser a su gusto. A mi, me encanta vinagre balsámico entonces añadi un poco mas de esto. Solo hay que mezclar y enfriar....o comer ahora mismo. ¡Delicioso!
La Mezcla puede ser a su gusto. A mi, me encanta vinagre balsámico entonces añadi un poco mas de esto. Solo hay que mezclar y enfriar....o comer ahora mismo. ¡Delicioso!
(Note: the pictures are not EXACTLY what Dorothy's recipes looked like. They're just to give an idea!/Notar: las fotos no se parecen exactamente como las recetas de Dorothy. Solamente se le den una idea. )
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