Friday, February 3, 2012


Please join our ward in a special fast for Atticus and his family this Sunday, February 5th.

Atticus has completed another week of treatments.  This week has gone more smoothly than the last.  He is waking up easier from sedation.  He is also starting to walk a little better and use the right side of his mouth easier.  The steroids cause him to be super hungry and also put his moods all over the place.  He's been tired this week, but still says the wittiest things.  They are looking forward to a weekend without treatments, especially eating breakfast at a normal time (he normally can't eat until after radiation at around 11am, so it makes for some very cranky mornings).  He has already requested french toast and sausage and told Cindy he'll get back to her when he decides on what else:)

Please refer to their blog for more detailed updates.  They are truly an amazing family and have so much faith in Heavenly Father.

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